Construction machinery: high-precision screw connections


DREM C SEAs GEDORE DREMOMETER are used in numerous industrial applications where strength and maximum precision are essential, for instance when assembling construction machinery, DREMOMETER types C-SE, DR and BC-K are used by Wirtgen Group, which is an international group of companies in the construction machinery industry. Wirtgen Group uses  it for tasks such as mounting the milling drums and side panels of the milling drum housings of their cold recyclers and cold milling machines for road construction.

Assembling the milling drum and the side panel of the milling drum housing on a cold milling machine. GEDORE DREMOMETER assembling a knee lever with the torsion shaft. In view of the tough conditions in which these construction machines operate, Wirtgen pays particular attention to the solidity and precision of the screw connections. The stability of the torque wrenches, which are “made by GEDORE” from a single piece of metal, their ergonomics and the superior repeat precision of the screw-tightening operation contribute largely to the safety and efficiency of the assembly work – and the GEDORE solution appealed to the people in charge at Wirtgen.

Despite their robustness the ALU-DREMOMETER, which are made of a particularly strong aluminium alloy, appeal for their lightness in the balance between maximum torque and wrench weight. In the interplay with the various lever lengths, which are achieved by the use of extensions, this helps to reduce the power required when working. Because the DREMOMETER with the square drive is not dependent on
length, the user can hold the handle in the most comfortable position without distorting the tightening torque (e.g. DREMOMETER types DR, BC-K). This guarantees controlled torque tightening from any working position. Once the set torque is achieved, the DREMOMETER is automatically released (which can be felt and heard) from any holding position, and is instantly ready to be used again.

“In addition to the stability and precision, the flexibility and ergonomics of the GEDORE DREMOMETER are also particular advantages, since using them is non-tiring and safe, which in turn helps to improve the quality of the screwing process on our construction machinery and keep it at a consistently high level,” explains Marcus Konrad, Head of Quality Assurance at Wirtgen.