MECSPE: here you can find the best



The appointment for the manufacturing industry will be back in Parma with three new theme areas and two new trade shows.

After the success of the last edition that registered increasing numbers compared to last year with a growth of the 6.4% of the visitors (33,673) and with 1.281 exhibitors, MECSPE, the international exhibition about technologies for innovation, will come back to Parma from the 17th to the 19th March 2016. A positive trend confirmed also by the survey about the satisfaction of the last edition attendees: over the 83% of the interviewed persons considered positively his presence, useful mainly for the chance to meet sector operators (44%) and for the rich offer of last generation machineries test (27.1%).

“The increasing numbers of MECSPE – comments Emilio Bianchi, Senaf director – show again that is more and more present the will of the companies to look for meeting and comparison moments in order to improve and share their own know-how and to strengthen their presence on the national and international market. After the long period of difficult economic circumstance the world trend is finally reversing with positive forecasts for next years. Also in Italy, as showed by the data from the Centro Studi Confindustria, the long recession that began in 2008 should finish with an increasing (2.1%) GNP in 2015 and a further 2.5% for 2016. These recovery signs will involve also the mechanics and subsupply division. According to the data from our observatory, indeed, the 51.1% of the company foresees a positive market trend for the triennium 2015-2017. Forecasts that ask company to be ready for the new challenges of a more and more specialized market characterized by digitalized processes and products. In this context MECSPE will continue to be an essential support for the companies for the competences exchange among the operators, for the training and the development of partnerships and business”.

An excellence appointment for the whole mechanics and subsupply division, that is more and more in the middle of the changes that are hitting the international industry.

Besides the well-established trade shows that characterize the event, joined by Trasmissioni di Potenza (Power Transmissions: an area addressed to power transmissions, movement control and mechatronics) and Digital Factory – Beyond the Automation (core of the event and area where it is possible to find the best IT solutions for the management of an intelligent factory), the 2016 edition will be distinguished by three important theme areas – for the types of machinings and materials – created in order to offer the visitors a product grouping that fits better his own requests, Subsupply-Plastic Area, Subsupply-Mechanics Area and Subsupply-Tinplate Machining Area.

In these areas the visitor can get in touch with the companies specialized in the machining he is interested in and get an overview on the most suitable manufacturing technologies for the creation of his product. Moreover the event will suggest as usual special interesting initiatives addressed to the present trends of the manufacturing world.

The numbers of 2015 edition

33.673 visitors, 1,281 exhibitors, 31 Working Isles, 15 Theme Districts, 9 theme trade shows, 10 Excellence Squares, 103 conventions and mini-conferences organized by companies, universities and research institutes.