Tailor-made solutions for coil stamping efficiency


Asservimenti Presse’s primary mission is to support customers who need quick production changes and ease of system management.

The first aspect is driven by the increasing demand for flexibility, even in industries like stamping, typically associated with large-scale production. Asservimenti Presse can assist these companies by providing rapid coil change systems and fast tape insertion solutions.

The second point is crucial in a scarcer skilled labour situation. As a result, a user-friendly system becomes a key asset, ensuring production continuity even in the absence of highly skilled workers. This need, particularly in Italy, has been further emphasized by the Industry 4.0 Plan. This has encouraged companies to adopt automated technologies.

A service always ready and prompt to assist

Another key factor for customers is maintenance: many companies lack the in-house staff to carry out maintenance tasks independently. Therefore, providing customers with a well-prepared and timely service (especially preventive maintenance interventions) ensures they can always adjust production as needed.

Customer involvement is the key factor: a stamping line is a system where the customer’s input in defining specifications and layout has always been and will continue to be fundamental.

Recently, driven by the increasing demand for Industry 4.0 technologies, there has been a growing need for greater data exchange between automation system providers and press manufacturers, to create production lines that seamlessly integrate with a company’s IT ecosystem.

The main technological challenge that Asservimenti Presse is well-equipped to tackle is further enhancing the performance of its rapid coil change systems, to develop production lines that are increasingly efficient in terms of productivity (completing batches in the shortest time possible) and flexibility (responding quickly to production changes) which are the key challenges faced by customers.

Another area of focus is predictive maintenance: while Asservimenti Presse already prevents production downtime through preventive maintenance, the company can optimize interventions with predictive maintenance, performing them only when truly necessary.

Asservimenti Presse’s experience spans over 4,000 systems worldwide, with its technology exported to more than 20 countries across Europe, America, and Asia.

For more information and contact details: commerciale@asservimentipresse.it