Meusburger introduces new power clamps and clamping claws for tool and mould making


Meusburger power clampMeusburger presented the new catalogue Workshop Equipment which included HWS 100 and HWS 102 Power clamps that enable quick positioning of clamping elements. Their robust design enables clamping forces of 10 to 25kN. The HWS 100 Power clamp is ideal for clamping a mould onto injection moulding machines, whereas the HWS 102 is perfect for clamping plates or bars onto a tool table with T grooves.

Another new product in the clamping equipment category is the HWS 110 Clamping claw enabling fast and infinitely variable clamping, in particular the clamping of punching tools. This product makes it easy to bridge different clamping heights without having to use shims on the machine tables. Due to its robust and simple design, the clamping claw can resist very high loads and requires only a small amount of space on the machine table.