Torino hosts EPoSS


logo-epossFor the first time Torino hosts, from 24th to 26th September, the annual assembly of EPoSS, the platform that monitors on a European scale the technical-scientific evolution of smart systems and contributes to set priorities and road maps for the best allocation of EU funds. The participants are 130: among them, EPoSS members, exhibitors, entrepreneurs, researchers from all over Europe.

On 26th Setmpember a congress will take place with industrial groups, research centres, universities, public and private funding institutions interested in identifying and developing smart solutions in the field of transportation and mobility, industrial automation, aerospace, energy environment, health and communication, security, micro-nano-biotechnologies. The event focuses on the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the project as well as an overview of the funding opportunities with Horizon 2020 and ECSEL JTI. To follow, a conference on results achieved by the project. “Express plays a role of great importance for Mesap, partner of the initiative, because thanks to this project we have become the representatives of the Italian Mechatronic in Europe. After the meetings in London, Vienna and Bilbao, we expect from the Torino event a significant growth in the knowledge of Smart Systems among our companies” – declares Mauro Zangola, responsible for
the Programme inside MESAP.

The event includes an exhibition area showing technical posters about the innovation projects developed by some companies and research centers. The Technology Showcase MESAP will be also present with companies and research centers associated with the Innovation Cluster presenting prototypes and products using smart systems. Other examples of smart systems developed in Piemonte within the automotive, manufacturing and medical sectors (the event’s main focus topics) will be showcased in the stand named “Torino-Piemonte Innovation Hub”, managed by the InTo Mech project.

EPoSS lands in Piemonte capital city thanks to the Torino Chamber of Commerce, that last year proposed the candidacy of Torino. The event is promoted in the framework of InTo Mech, project providing foreign buyers with a free preferential channel to get in touch with top-flight mechatronic suppliers from Torino and Piemonte. The cluster project is managed by Piemonte Agency (the reference point for foreign companies looking for business opportunities in the area) on behalf of Regione Piemonte, Unioncamere Piemonte and Chambers of Commerce of Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta in cooperation with MESAP, the project’s technical partner.

“As the outstanding automotive city in Italy Torino is the ideal location for an EPoSS event given that most of the breakthroughs made in automotive development are due to smart systems… Think of all the driver assistance devices, the systems for the optimisation of the combustion process and for the improvement of car safety” says Carmelo Papa, EPoSS Chairman and General Manager at ST Microelectronics.

“Good ideas and professional among excellences are Piemonte’s most relevant virtues: these are the elements that have always distinguished our region as one of the most innovative in Italy – says Giuseppina De Santis,Councillor for productive activities and development for the Piemonte Region –. This event represents a great opportunity for focusing the international attention on our territory, that must increase its investments and business attraction capacity, together with Research and Innovation in its production system”.

“Torino Chamber of Commerce achieved the event thanks to the working application according to Piemonte Agency’s proposal and cooperation with Mesap – adds Guido Bolatto, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Torino -. The choice was made during the 2013 edition in the Irish city Cork, where 2 thirds of the EPoSS members voted in favour of our city competing wkth Eibare (Spain), Toulouse and Besançon (France)”.
“More than 100 participants, 30 from Torino, are expected to attend the forum that will take place
on the 25th of the European Roadmap Automated Driving will be presented. This is the core document) and networking events with more than 20 top managers from international – says Giuseppe Donato, President of Piemonte Agency -. On this occasion a preview edited by EPoSS with the help of a special task force made of companies, centers of excellence, research centers, and it outlines the next topics on European research activities concerning an automotive sector with the highest growth rate”.