Pure rolling, pure power


MG is the leading manufacturer of sheet bending machines in Europe: a strong brand, a leader in technical innovation and customer service, with a global footprint. Today MG is able to satisfy any type of request for the design and production of sheet bending machines. Recently the Company realize two new innovative machines.

From MG experience, heavy carpentry’s rolling machines are used for the construction of oil pipelines, or gas pipelines. They are also very suitable for the construction of silos and tanks for the containment of materials of different types, from the pharmaceutical sector to the food industry. While the straightening machines are required in order to make a metal sheet of first quality to use for example in the field of shipbuilding. In recent times the company has received many requests for the processing of various aluminum alloys. On its part, MG always try to keep up with the times or even to anticipate the demands of the market. The 4.0 campaign has aroused a lot of success and many companies, already customers, have bought a new machine taking advantage of this super depreciation, and we met new realities, companies that have asked to be able to adapt their production line with the new technological trend that allows the acquisition and exchange of data in real time and in wi-fi. MG’s production line fits well with this interaction between the real and the digital, the result is an increasingly intrinsic machine-machine and man-machine relationship that will gradually lead to an ever increasing data acquisition and precision. Furthermore the growth of the economies of emerging countries will certainly continue and this will require further development of their infrastructures. Not to forget the trend of renewal and energy requalification. Not only in countries with young economies, even in Italy there could be an exponential growth of this kind. Undoubtedly all this is linked to the political future of Italy.

Heavy Carpentry

Talking about further development and innovation the new born in MG is a machine that bends 100 mm of thickness on 4,200 mm of working width. It was built for an Indian company that creates solutions in the field of agriculture and construction of large infrastructures. The machine is the MG 4100 T, is 5 meters high, it has three rolls whose top diameter is 850 mm, We assure you that, seen on the ground, before the assembly, made a certain impression. Now We have to say that the whole machine itself occupies a nice volume of space in my shed and we all pass by it, with the nose upwards. The machine has the hydraulic device for bending conical shapes and two supports of 5000 Kg each, one central and one lateral with double joint that allow the sheet to be supported at all times during the bending process. The machine has been tested in the presence of the Executive Director of the Indian factory and will be dismantled shortly and prepared for shipping. Seven containers will be needed. A team of MG operators will then go on site for assembly and start the work.

SZ, the new 6-roller section bending machine

Bending is an increasingly present and integrated operation in the production processes of the sheet metal processing sector. There are many types of applications, and the needs of users linked to the sector in which they operate are equally diversified. Consequently, even the manufacturers of bending machines develop and adopt systems and solutions capable of responding to these changing needs.  MG machines are born to meet the specific requests of those who bend, the aim of our research is to put on the market a product that achieves the idea of ​​curvature of the customer. MG bending machines are tailor-made for a specific job. The diameter of the rollers, the study of the load of the structure as well as the components are part of a dedicated project that defines its geometry. Moreover, since some years, digital technology has been integrated into the production cycle. The CNC Touch Command EVO 4.0 is now the most advanced numerical control on the market. Touch screen, easy and intuitive, thanks to its versatility, EVO allows wireless communication, interconnection, data collection and analysis in real time, as well as the visualization of the desired shape in 3D graphics. The machine acquires, calculates, executes and corrects, if necessary, the bending in real time. The interaction between the real and the digital becomes more and more intrinsic. The last example is a bending machine that works the profile in two opposite directions. The new 6-roller section bending machine, the SZ, is an important innovation. Knowing how to bend metal also means knowing it and respecting its principles, making sure that the deformation is functional. The profile passes through two pairs of rollers, called dragging rollers: two of them are rubberized to increase the grip with the profile, the other two are in iron or nylon depending on the type of material to be processed. The two bending rollers move on a vertical axis, and are retractable, to allow the insertion of the profile. They also move on a horizontal linear guide system with the possibility of working in oblique to minimize the straight part between one change of direction and the other. To all this is added the possibility of working with a jointed mandrel: a fundamental element that, by inserting itself into the profile, maintains the conformity of the piece and avoids any type of deformation during the curvature. To avoid contact frictions, at the top of the mandrel there is a head which atomizes a lubricant, different according to the type of material to be bent. Finally, a mobile support follows the movement of the bending rollers and guides the profile itself, to avoid twisting or moving.