A new concepts of shot blasting technology from AGTOS


FotoAgtosAGTOS presents the foundry industry current concepts of shot blasting technology: a complete shot blasting plant also suitable for the treatment of aluminium parts. This machine requires a relatively small floor area and is characterised by a low loading height. The loading and unloading process can be carried out both manually and fully automatically.

The topic of service concerns all users of shot blasting machines. The work pieces to be blasted – the blasting task may be finishing, cleaning or deburring – are placed manually or by using a manipulator onto the wire mesh belt which transports the work pieces through the machine. First of all they pass through the inlet sluice, which seals the subsequently installed blast chamber towards the outside. High-performance turbines installed in the blast chamber are throwing the shot onto the work pieces at a high speed. Thanks to the design of the wire mesh belt the work pieces can ideally be treated with shot from above and below at the same time. At the end of the blasting process, shot and dust are blown off from the work piece surface.

The AGTOS wire mesh belt shot blast plants are designed for highest demands. By means of the installed high-performance turbines an optimum covering of the surface is achieved. This guarantees short blasting times and high-quality blasted products. The automatic abrasive dosing device installed above the turbines ensures that blasting only takes place when there are work pieces in the blasting area. This minimizes the wear of the shot blast plant. A blower unit removes any shot remaining on the work piece surface