AUDI AG has opted for SLM Solutions’ additive manufacturing technology


unnamedAudi AG’s Gießen-based Department for Technical Development has decided to buy plant engineering from SLM. After an extensive and detailed exchange of information the Audi corporation, represented by Kay Sauber, Head of the Department for Technical Development in Gießen, signed the contract to purchase an SLM®280HL in Lübeck. This machine represents the entire laser melting process. The SLM®280HL is the ideal “all-purpose system” for both R+D divisions as well as for production processes using SLM procedures. The SLM®280HL meets the customers’ demands for compact, quality- and cost-optimised solutions.

The Department for Technical Development in Gießen concentrates on the further development and testing of both new casting technologies and light alloys for the entire pressure-casting process chain for the components body, chassis and transmissions. Within the Audi AG, this department is responsible for the supervision and support with regard to casting technologies of both in-house and purchased parts for the body, chassis and transmission components portfolio. The company-own casting technology center processes aluminium and magnesium casting alloys – from pre-development to prototypes, and finally to in-house batch production in three-shift operation. An essential part of the constant further development is the strict focus on materials, technology and process parameters of additive manufacturing.

With the purchase of the SLM®280HL, the Department for Technical Development in Gießen integrates SLM Solutions’ additive manufacturing technology into their own development and production processes. The focus is on aluminium materials. The actual serial-component development for the optimum lightweight-design AUDI ultra proceeds in close cooperation with the Department for Technical Development. The final goal is the efficient production of topology and process optimised products in small batches and thus to maximise the Vorsprung durch Technik.