Online a website to combat metals theft


Copper strips recyclingThe Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) has launched, a new website designed to assist in the struggle against the metals theft.  The association of recycling firms based in Washington, D.C., says the new site serves as an online resource for law enforcement, prosecutors and the recycling industry by providing practical tools, success stories, news, legal resources, FAQs and background on fighting metals theft.

“The recycling industry is fully committed to being part of the solution when it comes to preventing metals theft,” says Robin Wiener, president of ISRI. “ provides law enforcement, prosecutors, the recycling industry and other community stakeholders with key information and techniques that can be used to help prevent metals theft, as well as build cases and prosecute crimes when they do occur. Through our continued outreach efforts, we hope to strengthen our existing partnerships while building new ones.”

The site includes some functions:
• The ability to send theft alerts to local recyclers;
• Success stories as submitted by law enforcement across the country;
• Tools geared towards law enforcement, prosecutors and recyclers;
• A comprehensive glossary of terms on stolen commodities; and
• Industry insight and knowledge provided by an ISRI team of experts.

ISRI also recently upgraded its, an online alert system to notify scrap yards of nearby metals theft, and announced the creation of the Law Enforcement Advisory Council that is comprised of experienced law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and security personnel who are tasked with developing a multi-layered training program to assist law enforcement in metals theft prevention and prosecution.