Business becomes fluid with mechanics


Cimcool drums + lab man - small

First in the world developing and producing a synthetic fluid for metal machining, even in 1945, Cimcool has remained faithful to its original sector and in time it has widened its research and development activity oriented to technological innovation, in the name of safety and performances.

We write coolant but we actually read fluid technology or, at least, this is the definition that Cimcool prefers giving to its activities and to its offer in the reference sector of the solutions for the metal machining. In this sector, the multinational of United States origin can be considered a pioneer under all respects, considering that it was the first that launched on the market a synthetic product intended for the metal working slightly less than 70 years ago. Currently operating in a good 40 nations, Cimcool moved its first steps on this side of Atlantic for the first time in 1954 as producer of machine tools, with headquarters and factory in Holland, close to Rotterdam. Today the Dutch head office controls all European branches and it is also the European pole for the research and development of new innovative products and solutions, in cooperation with the historical one at Cincinnati, in the United States.

Pic_CimcoolCE_Italy_FulvioGalano_full_feb2013 (2)The term innovation represents for Cimcool the leitmotiv that has characterized all the entrepreneurial history, since the first experiences with synthetic fluids, but toady it must be developed in ever-changing manner, in line with the transformed requirements of customers and markets. «For Cimcool Europe», told Metalworking World the Italian branch manager Fulvio Galano, «the efforts lavished in innovation move along two main guidelines: the first concerns the key subject of the safety of operators and of the environmental impact of products. For this reason, our research and our experimentations are particularly oriented towards raw materials used also in other sectors, apart from those traditionally studied for the metalworking industry. The second concerns the reduction of production costs. In this case the target of the new formulations consists in creating products able to optimize their efficiency and drastically decrease consumptions».

If sustainability rhymes with productivity
Innovation, attention to the environment and health have recently resulted in the marketing of the Cimshield range, which succeeds in matching both the necessary productivity increments and sustainability. «Cimshield is a relatively young solution», explained Fulvio Galano, «because it was launched just two years ago and designed with specific raw materials in the respect of the environment and of operators’ health. With equal conditions and in comparison with other coolants, it can grant a reduction of consumptions that oscillates between 25 and 30%. Concerning instead the productivity rises granted by Cimcool range, it is more complicated to make calculations, since numerous variables are involved, but in the aluminium machining, just to make an example, the increment rates can be realistically estimated around 10% or even more». High_Pressure_Fluid_photo_4_klein_liggend

Crisis determines a higher quality demand
«Considering mechanics», exemplified Galano, «it has been and remains one of the most important sectors of our activity and today it is still fundamental for the national economy, too. What has happened (and it is still happening) over the last few years has struck lots of sector companies but it has also favoured a more severe selection of the players at stake and it has definitively determined a heightening of quality, productivity and specialization». The consequence of this phenomenon is users’ greater awareness of the innovative content that Cimcool products can offer: «Acting as partner», said Galano, «we have lived and suffered with our customers the troubles that have had natural repercussions also on our business. The selection that I mentioned before has however given us a notable benefit: the higher attention paid to the products leading to a turning point in terms of results, production quality and cost decrease. In other words, now it is simpler to transmit the perception of the value that is behind each single product. We create a real virtuous circle with customers». Privileged partners of Cimcool Europe in Italy are «the productive excellences and all the fields of precision engineering», reminded the branch manager.