Italian companies at Caspian Oil & Gas 2015


italia-111Italy excellence will attend at Caspian Oil & Gas 2015 with a Stand Italia, located at Pavilion 2, Stand 2246, which will host 5 Italian companies: Ansaldo Energia SpA – supplier, installer and service provider for power generation , Erreesse s.r.l. – Trunnion and Floating Ball Valves – Italy, G.S.E. Manutenzioni SRL – Mechanical and hydraulic assembly, nautical & offshore maintenance plants, Petrol Instruments SrL – PD flowmeters and accessories, VALVITALIA SPA – Valves, actuators, pipe fitting, flanges and systems for measuring, filtering, regulating fluids and gases. The Italian presence at the exhibition is not only limited to our stand but also fostered by the others Italian companies participating with individual stands.
This is one of the massive events of Azerbaijan. It is very important to define strong innovation strategies, culture and peculiarities in order to promote our excellences in the oil & gas industry and in the current competitive arena. The Italian participation will be represented by solid and better structured companies focused for foreign markets, confirming their willingness to cooperate with Azeri companies.

Italy has an international leadership in Oil & Gas Industry, our products and high added value services such as valves, equipment, machineries, instruments, engineering, drilling, energy solutions, maintenance etc., are part of our economy’s sector which world’s export are more than 55 billion of USD (if we consider the entire “valves sector” the Italian world’s export is about 8 billion of USD. Italy is the second world’s leader in this branch). We are the first commercial partner of Azerbaijan and during the last year, 2014 the bilateral trade exchange has been about 6.08 billion of Euro. Import is about 5.47 billion of Euro, while our export value is 595 million of Euro. Our aim is to work and promote bilateral activities to reduce the disequilibrium fostering enhancing our export and strategic partnerships results. Also for next year 2016, we plan the participation at Caspian Oil & Gas exhibition hoping to have always many Italian companies.