DMG MORI with another record year


logo-dataThe DMG MORI group can look back on a good financial year 2015. Under volatile market conditions, we succeeded in generating the best result and the highest sales revenues in the company’s history. We have increased sales revenues compared to the previous year by 3% to € 2.3 billion and EBIT to € 185.9 million (+2%). EBT rose by 24% to € 217.3 million.

Sales revenues were the highest in the company’s history with € 2,304.7 million. This was € 75.7 million or 3% above the record level of the previous year (previous year: € 2,229.0 million). International sales revenues increased by 6% to € 1,542.6 million; domestic sales revenues amounted to € 762.1 million. The export share was 67% (previous year: 65%).

The DMG MORI group could again improve its key earnings figures over the previous year and achieved the best result in the company’s history: EBITDA rose by 5% to € 243.1 million (previous year: € 232.5 million); EBIT amounted to € 185.9 million (previous year: € 182.6 million). EBT rose by 24% to € 217.3 million (previous year: € 175.3 million). EBT was influenced positively in the fourth quarter by a one-off effect of profit (€ 37.8 million) received from the sale of shares held in DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED. Nonetheless, EBT rose by € 4.2 million to € 179.5 million, even without this extraordinary effect. Annual profit in the group reached € 159.6 million (+32%; previous year: € 121.1 million). We have thus achieved the highest values in the company’s history in all key earnings. Equity rose by € 91.4 million to € 1,357.5 million (previous year: € 1,266.1 million). The equity ratio was 59.4% (previous year: 56.8%).

On 31 December 2015, the group employed 7,462 employees including 320 apprentices (previous year: 7,166 employees). The number of employees rose by 296. In the “Machine Tools“ segment we have primarily hired new staff at our location in Ulyanovsk. The growing division Advanced Technologies at SAUER GmbH had received additional staff. The number of employees in the “Industrial Services“ segment was increased in particular at our local sales and services companies in Germany, Africa, India, Italy and France, as well as at the DMG MORI Spare Parts.

The share of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT proved relatively stable in the course of the year in comparison to the volatility in the capital markets. Over the year, the security showed a plus of 61.2% and ranked 3rd place with this share performance in the MDAX. The MDAX increased by 22.5% in the same period.

With the announcement of the voluntary public tender offer from DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED on 21 January 2015, the share noted a jump in the stock price to € 28.82 (+12.6%). At the time of expiry of the voluntary public tender offer on 13 April 2015, DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED held an initial majority stake of 52.5 %. As part of its publication of its consolidated financial statements 2015, DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED announced on 10 February 2016 that its shareholdings amounted to 60.67% as of 31 December.

The year 2016 opened with a share price of € 37.05 (4 Jan. 2016). At the moment, our shares are quoted at € 37.17 (XETRA-based closing price on 7 March 2016). Market capitalisation rose in the reporting year by € 1,149.2 million or 62% to € 3,001.4 million (reference date: 30 Dec. 2015) and thus achieved the highest value in the 145 year history of the company.