DMG MORI with record figures for the 1st quarter 2018


DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT has started successfully into the new financial year 2018 with record figures in order intake, sales revenues, earnings and free cash flow. Order intake rose in the first quarter by 18% to € 821.8 million (previous year: € 693.9 million). Thus, for the first time, orders in a quarter were more than € 800 million. Sales revenues of € 581.8 million were 9% above the previous year (€ 533.9 million). EBIT rose by 20% to € 41.0 million (previous year: € 34.3 million). In addition to the good results of operations, the financial position also developed positively: free cash flow improved by € 130.6 million to € 13.0 million (+111%; previous year: € -117.6 million). For the first time in the company’s 148-year history, the free cash flow is already positive in the first quarter.  Chairman of the Executive Board Christian Thönes: “At the moment we have the wind in our sails. DMG MORI has achieved historical record figures in order intake, sales revenues, earnings and free cash flow. For the full year we are confident, however, there are many geopolitical uncertainties at present.” Order intake rose by 18% to € 821.8 million and thus for the first time was more than € 800 million in a quarter (previous year: € 693.9 million). The current good market situation played a role in this as well as the successful Open House in Pfronten and various major projects. Domestic orders grew by 21% to € 251.7 million (previous year: € 208.6 million). International orders amounted to € 570.1 million (+17%; previous year: € 485.3 million). The share of international orders was 69% (previous year: 70%). On 31 March 2018 the order backlog amounted to € 1,541.9 million (31 Dec 2017: € 1,309.1 million). The high order backlog and the very high capacity utilization at the production plants have led to long delivery times at present. We are specifically counteracting this development with stronger flexibility measures and sound business relationships to our partners and suppliers. Sales revenues rose to € 581.8 million and were thus 9% above the previous year’s figure (€ 533.9 million). Domestic sales revenues totaled € 182.9 million (previous year: € 159.5 million). International sales revenues were € 398.9 million (previous year: € 374.4 million). The export ratio was 69% (previous year: 70%). In addition to the good results of operations, both the financial position and the net worth also developed positively: The free cash flow improved by € 130.6 million to € 13.0 million (+111%; previous year: € -117.6 million). For the first time in the company’s 148-year history, the free cash flow is already positive in the first quarter. In particular, the increase in received prepayments to € 336.1 million led to the improvement in cash flow. The balance sheet total stood at € 2,265.5 million as at 31 March 2018 (31 Dec 2017: € 2,241.3 million). The equity ratio amounted to 52.5% (31 Dec 2017: 52.0%).