EuroBlech, Cy-laser: the compact laser machine ideal for the european market


cylaserCy-laser returns at the 2016 EuroBlech show with the aim of strengthening its presence in the european market and more. The company can proudly claim of being the first company in the world to apply the fiber laser technology to the sheet metal field by manufacturing the first unit in 2005.Fully dedicated to fiber laser, cy laser developped an original system able to exploit all benefits resulting from this technology; for this reason it still keeps internally the r&d of the cutting head, being a guarantee of quality and reliability (today at its 4th generation). At EuroBlech it will be exposed the model CY2D s4020 with working area of 4000 x 2000mm equipped with a 6 kw power generator in the “side” version. this system has achieved great success thanks to its compact design; with reduced overall dimensions compared to most popular models it solved space problems of many customers without effecting the performances.

EuroBlech Hall 15, Stand F73