European Steel Technology Platform Begins new life as independent legal entity


13 leading industrial and research stakeholders from the wider steel value chain will cooperate to implement solutions for and in the EU steel industry under a newly independent entity, the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) AISBL.

I am pleased to announce that 13 leading industrial and research stakeholders from the wider steel value chain across Europe have been able to legally establish ESTEP as an international non-profit organisation under Belgian law”, said Dr Klaus Peters, Secretary General of the new organisation. “Its mission is to engage in collaborative actions and projects on technology and innovation. We will be tackling EU-wide steel innovation challenges. Notably, these include digitisation, fostering a low-carbon future for industry, the circular economy, and resource and energy efficiency, in order to create a sustainable European steel industry.”

ESTEP already has a track record of success over a number of years, during which it has operated under the umbrella of the European Steel Association (EUROFER).

The new entity has 13 founding members: EUROFER, ArcelorMittal Maizières Research, Dillinger, Outokumpu, Tenova, Rina Consulting – CSM, Swerea, Tata Steel Nederland Technology, Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe, voestalpine Stahl, VDEh – BFI, Jernkontoret, and Salzgitter.

The Board of Directors consists of Mr Axel Eggert (EUROFER), Mr Carl De Maré (ArcelorMittal), Ms Eva Sundin (Swerea) and Mr Roberto Pancaldi (Tenova).

The organisation will retain its offices in Brussels alongside its sister organisation, EUROFER. From now on, the steel community has two strong independent voices. Our cooperation will remain very close”, emphasised Mr Peters.

The overall objectives and activities of ESTEP will remain unchanged and additional activities of ESTEP and services to its members will now be possible. The current focus is on pursuing the ‘Big Scale Initiative’, which brings together twelve projects by European steel producers looking at carbon-neutral steelmaking process. ESTEP also aims to contribute to shaping the 9th Framework Programme for research & innovation (FP9).