Galvanizing, zinc-nickel and zinc-lamellar treatments


With three productive units, Ecozinc and di Costa Giuseppe form a synergistic business group that, relying on a deep experience in the sector of anti-corrosion processes and an efficient organization, offers a structured array of specialized treatments to its customers.

ecozinc-bEcozinc Srl is a dynamic company specialized in the zinc-lamellar treatment, activity that it performs in strict collaboration with Di Costa Giuseppe Srl (Nichelino – Turin), operating instead in galvanic treatments. The two realities form in fact a synergistic Group joined by a third manufacturing unit where they carry out the galvanization zinc-plating and zinc-nickel processes executed also by Di Costa Giuseppe. Established in 1964, the latter company boasts over fifty years of experience in the sector of anti-corrosion processes and it is then the “historical” reality of the Group that, with a perfectly coordinated activity and an efficient organization, can offer a structured range of specialized treatments to its customers.

Solutions for different requirements
The almost totality of buyers that turn to Ecozinc and Di Costa Giuseppe operates in fact in the automotive industry, which represents then the reference market. Ecozinc has always provided the zinc-lamellar treatment Zintek 200 and Zintek 200 + Techseal Black (black Zintek), not only chrome-free (VI and III), but also free from all other heavy metals. Besides, it offers the resistances of the zinc-nickel and does not produce hydrogen-embrittlement. Zintek 200 can be applied in the colours grey, normal and ornamental black and can be sealed with special products of the Zintek Top and Zintek Top L range that improve the resistance to corrosion, besides correcting the friction coefficient. In the future, according to the market, thanks to the Techseal and Techdip range, the company will stake on the possibility of yellow, green, red and blue colours.
The activity carried out by Di Costa Giuseppe, besides the zinc-lamellar treatment, concerns zinc-plating and zinc-nickel galvanic treatments, as well as the zinc-phosphating, with the addition of pre and post treatments of degreasing, sandblasting, lubrication, pickling, dehydrogenation and sealing. «All know the zinc-plating – states Fabio Dicosta -, process applied by electrolysis and present on the market for a long time now. Over the last few years, we have made great progresses in this process, leading to the elimination of cyanide baths in favour of the current alkaline baths, which grant high resistances to corrosion. Besides, we have shifted from the passivations containing hexavalent chromium to the current trivalent passivations. The zinc-nickel can instead be considered the top of the galvanic treatment, since it is a very technical process that, to be applied, needs attention and particular conductivity. Besides, it is very important the control equipment that, for further guarantee, needs an X-ray instrument to keep the nickel alloy under examination».

apertura-grandePlants, quality and environment
In addition to four degreasing machines and eight sandblasting machines for the preparation of the metal components, the Group is equipped with a big number of lines for different functions and with various manufacturing capacities, among which the main ones concern: alkaline galvanizing, alkaline zinc-nickel, zinc-lamellar (hollow, static and black head), CrIII black passivation galvanizing, dehydrogenation, phosphatizing. That equipment is distributed in three factories, which allow a total daily productivity, respectively, of 185,000 kg the first, 155,000 kg the second and 250,000 kg the third. «Our Group – adds Fabio Dicosta – relies on attentively trained and skilled personnel and on a constant monitoring of manufacturing processes, through a widespread net of internal computerization».

Other item of capital importance, the quality is a fundamental goal for the companies of the Group, as witnessed by the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification and the primary goal of UNI EN ISO 14001 for next year, after the complete starting up of the new manufacturing plant. Aware of the environment protection theme, the Group has in fact concretized its commitment towards that direction, operating on two fronts: the use of treatments with low environmental impact and the attention to processes of air and water depuration. «The treatments in which Ecozinc operates – explains Fabio Dicosta – are included among those with lowest environmental impact, while Di Costa Giuseppe has fully eliminated the use of chromium VI from its processes. In each of our sites there are both depuration plants of the waters coming from the manufacturing cycle and air depuration systems that grant the Group’s companies the compliance with the limits imposed by the Bodies of the Piedmont region concerning the emission of polluting substances. Also the products we buy are chosen not only for their performance characteristics but also due to their low profile regarding the noxious substances contained. Finally, the new site under construction has been designed with the latest technologies in the ambit of the reduction of pollutants, in order to grant a better and better environmental impact».

The company in short
Business name: Ecozinc Srl / Di Costa Giuseppe Srl
Region and city: Piedmont – Beinasco (Turin) / Nichelino (Turin)
Appurtenance sector: anticorrosion treatments
Offered treatments: zinc-lamellar Zintek 200 and Zintek 200 + Techseal Black, zinc-plating, zinc-nickel, zinc phosphatizing, lubrication, pickling, sandblasting, dehydrogenation, sealing, degreasing and sandblasting
Main product sector supplied: automotive (99%)
Workers: (total of the Group) currently 40 people, growing since September 2016
Daily productivity: (on 2 shifts) about 600,000 kg
Average machining times: from 3 to 5 days, depending on the size of the batch to be treated.

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