
Joint headquarters for Italian Embassy in Berlin and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAItalian Embassy in Berlin and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany (ICCG) joint headquarters. In order to enhance the collaboration between the two Italian istitutions and to maximize synergies in a single place the ICCG moved to Hiroshimastraße Berlin-Tiergarten (in the photo).

“We have been working intensively for decades and we are confident that a joint headquarter will provide new opportunities to improve even more the coordinated work between these two important institutions in Germany: in fact, the common goal is to work together in the most important market for Made in Italy” said the President of ICCG, Emanuele Gatti, che added “We also want to thank the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Italian Embassy in Berlin for the readiness with which they accommodated our chamber in this historic location”.

The economic relations between these two countries are traditionally very strong. Germany is the largest trading partner for Italian imports and exports, while Italy is the fifth country to imports and seventh country for German exports. “Due to the increase cooperation and common initiatives between Italian Embassy in Berlin and our chamber, we hope to give a new incentive to the relaunch of economic relations” said the President of ICCG.