Business coalition calls for open trade


This past summer, a coalition of 31 leading European business associations was formed to call for an ambitious and open trade policy to support the EU’s competitiveness and economic prosperity. Thanks to a Joint Declaration, openness in driving economic growth, the importance of creating jobs, and the enhancement of resilience in the face of global challenges were highlighted

Trade remains a cornerstone of the EU’s economic strength, directly supporting one in five jobs through exports. It benefits consumers by expanding choices – a view shared by 60% of Europeans – and attracts foreign investments that drive growth and innovation. Furthermore, diversified sourcing and export strategies enhance the EU’s ability to navigate and overcome crises.

These facts underline the importance of maintaining openness and growth as key pillars of the EU’s trade policy. Achieving this requires a deliberate focus on policies that open new and diversified markets through trade agreements and reduce technical trade barriers. The 31 associations in the Joint Declaration outlined their vision for successful EU trade policy in the coming institutional cycle. The coalition’s primary call to action is to improve trade openness by pursuing new and renewed trade agreements to improve market access.

Moreover, the coalition advocates for the appointment of a dedicated Commissioner for Trade to supervise this exclusive EU competence, ensuring focused leadership and strategic direction. The coalition also calls on the EU to continue supporting the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the international rules-based system, which are essential for ensuring a fair and predictable trade environment.

Finally, this coalition calls for a collaboration between third-country partners and a more robust trade diplomacy to aid an ambitious open trade policy. The coalition firmly believes that these priorities – strengthening trade openness, appointing a dedicated trade Commissioner, supporting the WTO, and enhancing cooperation and trade diplomacy – are crucial for the EU to maintain its global economic leadership and secure a prosperous future for its citizens.