Asservimenti Presse: compact benders-feeders and contactless strap cutter


Compact benders-feeders and contactless strap cutterAsservimenti Presse, manufacturer of solutions for the press automation and of complete plants for the sheet metal working, presents and exhibits some product novelties at “Lamiera” 2017. Among them, also a bender-feeder and a particular strap-cutting device. The visitors of the stand will see from close up a new bender-feeder, equipped with ultra-fast electronic pilot release, able to support cycles up to 100 strokes per minute. Designed and manufactured to perform the transversal transfer feeding, it can replace feeders thanks to the speeds and performances it can assure. With compact overall dimensions, precisely not to take up the front side of the press, it can host sheet metal with thicknesses ranging from a minimum of 0.5 up to a maximum of 4 mm, widths up to 150 mm (like the model on show at the exhibition), and even 200, 300 and 400 mm. Eco-friendly, thanks to the absence of hydraulic devices, this new bender-feeder is also characterized by the possibility of recovering the electric energy and of being interfaced with the corporate net. Ready to exploit all opportunities given by Industry 4.0. Constantly focused also on all safety aspects, Asservimenti Presse offers also a new strap-cutting device that operates without the direct contact with the sheet metal. Need strongly felt in terms of safety, especially when the operator must manage sheet metal coils of big thicknesses. Thanks to this device, the operator can execute the operation not with the conventional shears but remotely, through comfortable pushbutton controls.

Fiera Lamiera, HALL 13 STAND B20