MECSPE 2019 is a great success


The 4.0 manufacturing trade fair organised by Senaf, a reference event at national and international level, took place at Fiere di Parma from 28th to 30th March, confirming itself once more in 2019 as a synergistic link between the latest manufacturing technologies and different industrial chains.

The 18th edition of the event ended on Saturday 30th March, but not before clocking up some impressive numbers: 56,498 certified visitors (+6% compared to the 2018 edition), 2,355 companies present and 120,000 m2 of exhibition space, proof of a continuously growing event, on a vibrant and strategic market. First and foremost, MECSPE generates a virtuous matching opportunity between exhibitors from different industry sectors, suppliers and customers along the entire manufacturing industry supply chain. Thanks to the synergy of 12 themed halls and the cross-contamination of skills, exhibitors and visitors saw the trade fair as an important business opportunity and a fruitful moment for discussing and updating on innovation topics which are increasingly central for the competitiveness of Made in Italy businesses. The excellent results achieved by the event also come down to the even more innovative contents of this edition in which systems contributing towards designing the factory of future were showcased, with no shortage of opportunities for dialogue between companies aiming to become the protagonists of the fourth industrial revolution. This transformation was palpable in the Innovation Tunnel, created thanks to collaboration with the Intelligent Factory Cluster (IFC) with the presentation of four lighthouse projects by Ansaldo Energia, ABB Italia, Tenova/Ori Martin and Hitachi Rail Italy, selected by the IFC on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development. Collaboration with the Intelligent Factory Cluster enabled us to recount lighthouse companies, those which in accordance with IFC lines of action were identified by the Ministry of Economic Development as examples of digitalisation and improvement of production processes with reference to Italian SMEs and international markets.” – in the words of the Director of Senaf, Emilio BianchiThe results of this edition stimulate us to set even more challenging objectives and achieve new targets. This is why we created a new event dedicated to 4.0 manufacturing. The first edition of MECSPE Bari, scheduled for the 28th-30th November 2019 at the Nuova Fiera del Levante trade fair centre, will demonstrate the future of factories to the centre and the south, with the aim of supporting businesses in the Mediterranean basin in tackling the new challenges of digitalisation and exploiting market potential, with focus on the major sectors of mechantronics, automotive and aerospace“. During the three-day exhibition in Parma there will particular focus on sustainability and green economy, with numerous dedicated workshops and events, along with recognition MECSPE has decided to award to companies particularly attentive to environmental issues, with the creation of the “Io Faccio di più” (I do more”) path. Training is another key theme, with extensive coverage thanks to an impressive spread of 67 special initiatives and conventions focused on bringing culture and applied knowledge closer together and satisfying the demand for technical skills manifested by companies. In support of all this, the event also presented itself as a bridge between the industrial and academic world, with the inauguration of “MECSPE Young & Career”, an area exclusively dedicated to enabling exhibiting companies meet with young undergraduates/ graduates, to respond to urgent requirements of the Italian manufacturing industry which often struggles to find specialised staff, partly due to the industry’s lack of appeal to young job seekers. Maruska Sabato, Project Manager of MECSPE explains– “For years MECSPE has provided a full and updated panorama of the industrial system of the future, anticipating trends and new challenges. In addition to presenting the evolution of the manufacturing industry on occasion of its Parma event which has achieved recognition at an international level, we also want to provide our support to companies who have embraced the digital transformation challenge and to young professionals looking to enter the sector. We do this by means of concrete experiences, like the ones created for visitors at the 2019 edition, from the new MECSPE Young & Career area, created in response to demands from companies looking for suitably qualified professionals and young undergraduates/ graduates, who will be the professionals of tomorrow. Training plays a highly important role in business. Investment in human capital and the capitalisation of knowledge are fundamental, because this is where the challenge of competitiveness plays out“. The 19th edition of MECSPE will return to Fiere di Parma from 26th to 28th March 2020,following on from its Puglia-based event, MECSPE Bari (Nuova Fiera del Levante trade fair centre, 28th-30th November 2019), conceived as a new opportunity for the centre south and Mediterranean basin to discuss and develop innovation and 4.0 topics.

MECSPE 2019 in numbers

56,498 professional and certified visitors (*), 120,000 m2 of exhibition space, 2,355 companies present, 8 pavilions, 12 themed halls, 67 special initiatives and conventions. The first edition of MECSPE Bari will take place from 28th to 30th November 2019 at the Nuova Fiera del Levante trade fair centre, created with the aim of becoming the reference event of the Centre South and the Mediterranean basin for the development of innovation and 4.0 themes.

(*) pending ISFCERT certification

MECSPE exhibition halls

Machineries and Tools  – machine tools, tools and equipment;  Digital Factory  – information technology for the management of a smart factory;  Motek Italy  – factory automation;  Power Drive – Systems – Components – Mechatronics; Control Italy  – metrology and quality control;  Logistics  – systems for the management of logistics, machines and equipment;  Mechanical Subcontracting  – industrial manufacturing for third parties;  Electronic Subcontracting  design, electronic processing and components and accessories; Eurodies,  subcontracting of plastics, rubber and composite  – moulds and moulding; processing of rubber and composite plastics;  Additive Manufacturing  – rapid prototyping and 3D printing;  Treatments and Finishes –  machines and systems for surface treatment and finishing;  Non-ferrous materials and alloys  – aluminium, titanium, magnesium, light alloys.