Metal-Era introduces a Pre-Manufactured TPO Coated Drip Edge to Edge Systems One Product Line


tpo-coated-drip-edgeA pre-manufactured TPO Coated Drip Edge to Edge Systems One product line is released by Metal-Era.
TPO Coated Drip Edge fills a need in the industry for a pre-manufactured edge metal that is heat-weldable. Metal-Era’s pre-manufactured solution provides the opportunity to eliminate sheet metal fabrication labor, as TPO coated metal is typically purchased as flat stock and bent by contractors.

“Introducing this product to our Edge Systems One line has definitely sparked the interest of our customers,” says Brad Van Dam, V.P. of Sales and Marketing. “Pre-manufactured TPO Coated Drip Edge is a growing market segment in the industry that eliminates sheet metal fabrication time. Having a pre-manufactured solution is much more efficient and cost effective for our customers, and we are confident they will find value.”

TPO Coated Drip Edge is available in a variety of face heights. It is manufactured in 12’ lengths that provide fewer seams and pieces to handle for faster installation. It features an “L” shaped continuous cleat with pre-slotted fastening holes for ease of locating and installing and reducing thermal movement failure. TPO Drip Edge is ANSI/SPRI ES-1 tested and Florida Building code approved and is backed by Metal-Era’s Edge Systems One Wind Warranty.