New line of machines CNC EVO from Comev


fig.comevNew software and new design.The objective of Comev is to offer a product easy to use, with high performance, low power consumption and high security level. CNC machines are equipped with user friendly interface which, through the touch screen and the software of default programming, allows the guided writing of new programs in a very short time. Also to ensure greater optimization in terms of analysis of the process defined in the new program, the EVO machines provide for the 3D display of the machining simulation with the use of integrated CAM functions. The design of the new machines has required a careful study of ergonomics and aesthetic in order to make the product “lathe” performant, aesthetically pleasing and ergonomically functional. It’s been completely restored the control console, adjustable according to three degrees of freedom (parallel: Z-axis, perpendicular: X-axis and with different angles), in order to allow a better maneuverability and a perfect view of the process by the operator. It was expanded the windows of the doors to allows a full view of the working area during the cycles behind closed doors. Comev always pays attention to the safety and protection of the operator, could not refrain from improving its machines also in this respect; in fact it has been introduced “safety integrations”: periodic checks of correct operation and reliability of the safety devices installed on the machine executed by a dedicated software: the Safety Test. The service always has been an element of pride for Comev because it is able to assist the client in the full range of problems that can occur during processing (mechanical, electrical or software) minimizing as much as possible the dead times. The service is now further enhanced by the implementation of software that lets you connect the machine with remote assistance to make it more interactive and fast.