A great team and a single technological partner


Dallan - Una delle aree di montaggio Dallan

Since the beginning of the current year Dallan has completed the incorporation that now sees the group of the 6 former sister companies joined in a single organizational structure. To full benefit of customers and partners that can now rely on a single reference business, able to face projects and new challenges of whatever importance in roll forming.

For Dallan Spa, 2013 was a very important and representative year for its activity. It saw in fact the completion of the incorporation among Dallan Spa, Dalcos Spa, Elda Srl, Ada Srl and Dallan Engineering; since the beginning of this year also Simeoni Srl has joined it, final act of a project aimed at making the “6 sisters” a much more efficient and dynamic structure. A high added value synergy in organizational terms, to full benefit of customers and partners that can now rely on a single reference company, able to face projects and new challenges of whatever extent. A wealth of 80 international patents, product and process solutions on which the company can rely to further grow univocally. With the addition of a turnover exceeding 30 million Euros, generated thanks to the precious contribution by over 150 employees, with a presence widespread in the world in about 75 Countries. Fully privately owned, administered and managed by the homonymous family in the Castelfranco Veneto (TV) headquarters, Dallan boasts in fact a market strongly oriented to export. «In 2013 – specifies the managing director Andrea Dallan – Italy accounted for the 10% of the turnover, the EU area for about 40% and the non-EU nations for the remaining part. The main reference markets are in the order Germany, Russia, Brazil, Middle East and China». Specialized in roll forming, the company manufactures each machine and plant around customers’ products and in full compliance with precise specifications. «Rather than considering ourselves manufacturers of rollformers – adds Dallan – we prefer maintaining our specialization in specific industrial sectors connected with subtle thickness materials like solar protection, building, lighting and metal furniture». Over the last few years the strategy has in fact consisted in focusing resources and in perfecting competences in precise and definite sectors, mainly linked with the building industry, that’s to say: plasterboard metalwork, T-bars, grids, Venetian blinds, shutters, angle bars, doors, roller shutter doors, rolling shutter boxes, metal furniture, special profiles and sections, insulating glasses, lighting, staves, air filtering and conditioning. Great attention is also paid to the aesthetical aspect and to the profiles and sections that will be produced by the plants. «Also for this reason – adds Dallan – all machines and products are tested together with our customers, first of all at our headquarters’ in Italy; then plants are dismounted, forwarded and reinstalled at their final destination. We finally try to serve and to satisfy our customers, fundamentally with the supply of machines for their production but also giving them, at the same time, co-design and co-engineering solutions for what turns around the machine. And I am referring to the delicate packaging phases, as well as to the advice for the provisioning of raw materials and accessories for the completion of their products and processes».Dallan - Area produzione rulli e attrezzature

Always at customers’ side
«Attention to the design, to the development and to the implementation of the plant, followed by a series of after sale services that cannot betray expectations, both in the domestic and especially in the international ambit – states Dallan – the after sale service is essential to grant the correct and continuative operation of plants. Our structure boasts a staff composed by around fifty mechanical, electronic and software technicians able to provide after sale service directly at customers’ sites». A specific structure that has been strengthened, consolidated and optimized in time for tele-service assistance, which allows rapid diagnoses and, in many cases, the solution of the problem without needing direct interventions. With slightly less than 3,000 machines installed in the world, the remote control technology is turning out to be a precious instrument highly appreciated by customers, which can actually rely on the intervention of personnel operating by their factories in the lapse of few hours.

Dallan - Ufficio tecnicoMaking innovation through research and development
When innovation represents a key factor, it cannot give up a constant research and development activity. Activity that today, after the business merging, enjoys also a synergy of transversal knowledge and technological transfer able to create further added value. «Not less than 4% of the turnover – underlines Dallan – is on average invested in research and development activities. Fruit of so much lavished commitment is represented by the new patents that we yearly deposit, both product and process ones». Innovation that can be expressed with interventions and studies on more levels: mechanical, electrical, software or, more in general, developing new operational methods and/or functional processes. Concerning this, a concrete example regards what happened not sooner than three years ago, with the introduction of the first fully electrical coil punching machines. Technological solution that has replaced the hydraulic actuation and that, in its turn, brought operational and environmental benefits, too, eliminating the oil in hydraulic circuits, notably reducing energy consumptions and maintenance costs in comparison with the respective hydraulic executions. But innovating means also great attention not only in the study, implementation and assembly of roll forming machines, but also in the details that characterize each single component. «Concerning this – goes on Dallan – all roll forming stations of our machines include the Dallan®| Nonius technology, that’s to say a simple but effective system that allows regulating each single station with extreme precision and repeatability. And, much more important, a solution that allows recovering the original machine setting, just as when it leaves our factory».Dallan - Montaggio profilatrice

Suitable solutions for all requirements
Product, machine and technology quality, coupled with great attention to customers and global service (also after sales). This is what Dallan has built in over 35 years of activity and still offers to the market. Since 1978, when the company was established by Sergio Dallan. Today the company represents an outstanding reference partner in the international market able to offer user friendly solutions to be exploited to manufacture excellent quality products, starting from thin metal sheets. In other words, a long history of successes and positive reliability and flexibility outcomes, today looking for new challenges and new growth opportunities. «Growth – adds and ends Andrea Dallan – that is adequate and in line with the markets with which we operate. In terms of technological development, in fact, the offer must conform to the demand difference existing in the various regions and to precise requisites. More mature markets, for instance, need and ask for high product quality and great automation to maintain competitive production costs in comparison with rising markets. Concerning this, we can offer highly integrated production and packaging solutions. For rising markets we can instead generally propose more essential productive solutions, able, however, to implement products for quality construction starting from the raw materials that are available in the reference geographical zone». In short, the right roll forming process for everybody: customized and performing.