“Praecisa”, the machine that never gives up


gadeThe press brakes of the series Praecisa of g.a.d.e undoubtedly rank among the sturdiest machines on the market, not subjected to deformations even in case of uses beyond the allowed limits. The monolithic structure, within the dimensional limits permitted by the transport on trucks, is made with high-quality sheets, electrically welded and machined on big-size moving column boring machines. Besides the sturdy structure, the reliability of the press brakes of the Praecisa series is granted by the very high quality of all the components used for the construction, chosen among the best national and European firms.

The bending lengths of this series of machines range from 1600 to 10200 mm with bending power from 400 to 11000 kN. The controls are managed by NC with colour graphics from 4 to 10 axes. The press brakes are always supplied with adjustable intermediaries and with hardened and sector ground tools (Promecam system). The machines can be customized upon customers’ demands to satisfy even very complex requirements. Among the numerous accessories that can be installed on press brakes it is worth reminding the extended cylinder stroke, CNC touch screen; Software for the active crowning management equipped with material database; angle control with DATA M camera system; inverter energy saving system. The latter mainly allows achieving higher energy saving of the machine and, at the same time, enhancing the performances of g.a.d.e. press brake, while granting shorter production times.