Thanks to the collaboration with Materioteca, a showcase dedicated to the innovation in the sphere of bioplastics research.
Materioteca®, the no-profit initiative managed by Plastic Consult in collaboration (for the 6th consecutive year) with MECSPE, during the event (Fiere di Parma -Parma Fairground-, 26th-28th March 2015) will give life to the Planning and Design Square that in 2015 will bravely storm into Art, the art with an A in capital letters. When the art charm meets the life magic, incarnate into plastic biomaterials, arises an enchanted world that before liquefies and then solidifies into evocative and seductive shapes. Pure creativity, caught while it is passing through that fluid transfer point between the traditional techniques and the new magic stick at artists’ disposal: 3D printing. 3D art-bio-printing, a bond with amazing results.
Through the Planning and Design Square, “Materioteca wants to incite again the creativity of the project world with innovative materials and artefacts to leave new ideas and hopes for the future peacefully mature” explains Diana Castiglione, Materioteca® director.
This is only one of the many initiatives that will be scheduled, that show how MECSPE intends, also for the next edition, to develop projects addressed to a manufacturing sector such as the plastic one, allowing the division companies to present their best suggestions and to get in touch with a privileged visitors’ target (31,625 visitors during the 2014 edition, whereof the 80% with a decision-making role).
This Square will be within the context of the Eurostampi – Plastixexpo trade shows, addressed to the mould, moulding and plastic materials machining chain. As usual it will be given great emphasis to innovative materials, present in the namesake District, and to new rapid prototyping and manufacturing technologies, showed in the Rapid Prototyping and 3D Print Hub District. Precision machinings of rubber and plastic materials, instead, will be the protagonists of Subfornitura, whereas the surfaces treatment will be examined in the biennial exhibition Trattamenti & Finiture.
MECSPE’s 8 trade shows
Macchine & Utensili – machine tools, tools and equipment; Eurostampi – the world of mould and moulding; Plastix Expo – the world of plastic materials machining; Subfornitura – the biggest Italian exhibition for the manufacture on behalf of a third party; Motek Italy – automation, robotics and power transmissions; Control Italy – metrology and quality; Logistica – systems for logistics management, machines and equipment; Trattamenti & Finiture – surfaces treatments and finishing processes.
The numbers of 2014 edition
31,625 visitors, 1,087 exhibitors, 16 Demonstrative Units, 15 Theme Districts, 7 trade shows, 9 Excellence Squares, 13 conferences and more than 90 mini-conferences organized by companies, universities and research institutes.
For further information about the exhibition, please contact luisella.borsa@senaf.it, phone: 02 332039470