For its production of steel structural works for switchboards, Imequadri Duestelle has been relying for a long time on an electrical machine able to grant productive efficiency and minimal maintenance. A solution supplied by Co.Ma.F., company specialized in the marketing machines for sheet metal working in all variants.
Ime Group has been operating since 1962 in the market of electrical switchboards and, in general, of products and systems for the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, employing about 180 people, with a turnover that, in 2013, amounted to about 40 million Euros. Among the Group companies ranks also Imequadri Duestelle, reality that operates through two divisions: the Switchgear division that studies and implements Medium and Low Voltage electrical Switchgears and the Equipment Division that projects and manufactures MV Load Break Switches, Disconnectors (air or SF6 gas-insulated) and earthing switches, for panel/wall-mounting solutions. «Activity carried out – specifies Antonio Facchinetti, production manager of Imequadri Duestelle – inside our production unit in the Urgnano site, Bergamo». And it is just inside the factory that, in the machine fleet, stands out also a Muratec-Wiedemann turret punch press (model Motorum 2558), supplied by Co.Ma.F. at Sovico (MB), trade company of new and second-hand metal working machines.

Utmost operational flexibility
«A machine – adds Facchinetti – with which we prepare the metal sheets for our switchboards. In most cases thin sheets, differing one another by sizes and thicknesses, but with continuous output, even on more shifts, and, sometimes, unmanned». Specific requirements that underline the importance of high productivity and, at the same time, the demand for high reliability and low maintenance. More in detail, the mentioned turret punch press model Motorum 2558 allows machining sheet metals in thicknesses up to 6.35 mm. It exploits a toggle mechanism driven by servomotor with electronic ram, a technology developed by Murata Machinery that permits to increase the machining speed, thus reducing in this way energy and maintenance costs. The high-capacity turret is equipped with a big number of stations and it offers, then, better flexibility and productivity. Moreover, this toggle mechanism allows a notable reduction of vibrations (by about 65%) and the guarantee of the same force of the punch entering/exiting from the sheet metal, permitting to avoid noxious daps. The standard capacity of the turret provides for, at choice, a 44-station configuration including 4 automatic positioning stations (index) or (as in the case of the installation at Imequadri Duestelle) 54 stations with 2 automatic positioning stations. «It is clear also in this case – further adds Facchinetti – the zeroing of the idle time for the tool change».

Functions and compact design
Fully electrical, the machine also stands out for other interesting technical specifications that concern, for instance, the X and Y axis strokes, respectively of 1,635 and 2,540 mm, the maximum size of the workable sheet metal, equal to 1,525 x 2,500 mm (without setup) or 1,525 x 5,000 mm (with re-setup). «On the machine – adds Facchinetti – we machine sheets of various sizes, with average dimensions of 1,250 x 2,500 mm, which then generate both standard electrical switchboards, in big batches, and special executions, with smaller production volumes». Imequadri Duestelle appreciates the reduced overall dimensions of the installed plant, in this case including also the sheet metal loading/unloading warehouse F1G-1500, still supplied by Co.Ma.F. Silent and ergonomic warehouse, characterized by absolutely compact design, and operated by NC unit.

Innovation and tradition
As evolution of the punch press adopted by Imequadri Duestelle, Muratec-Wiedemann has recently launched on the market the new M3058TG, machine that certainly stands out for some innovations, without giving up those cornerstones that have made it an absolute jewel of flexibility and reliability in time. Gears are once more drastically reduced, with the turret drawn from the solid and with falling punch-holder (inside the turret itself). All belt and chain mechanisms have been maintained inside. «A not negligible detail – observes and ends Facchinetti – that also in our machine means absolutely reduced costs and times in case of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Even if I have to admit that, after so many years of activity of the punch press, they have been absolutely rare». Among the main novelties characterizing the new model, besides a punching speed of 1,000 strokes/min, it is also worth signalling the maximum punch diameter of 121 mm, a wider table for the tool change, coupled with the presence of tool change monitor and new punch drive, directly positioned. Innovations also for the CNC, now adopted in the standard equipment: a Fanuc Model 31i-PB, touch screen, separated from the machine. Peculiarities that in the future might induce Imequadri Duestelle itself to acquire a new punching machine in production, even more performing and reliable like the new Muratec Wiedemann proposed to the sector by Co.Ma.F.

Over 50 years of engineering, plants, electrical switchboards and equipment
Headquartered at Urgnano (BG) Ime Group has been operating since 1962 in the market of electrical switchboards and, in general, of products and systems for the production, transmission and distribution of the electrical energy. Activity carried out on a unit taking up more then 25,000 square metres (of which 16,000 covered and fully powered by their photovoltaic plant).
The companies of the Group avail themselves of an Integrated quality and environment System according to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications and they are the following: Imequadri Duestelle, operating through the Switchgear Division (study and implementation of Medium and Low Voltage electrical switchgears) and the Equipment Division (design and manufacturing of MV Load Break Switches, disconnectors etc.); Imemont, company that operates in the ambit of electrical systems (it designs, implements and starts up complete AT, MT and BT systems, systems for MT/BT distribution substations, systems for AT/MT substations, elecro-instrumental plants, systems per industry and power companies and related maintenance); Enneci, which implements plants and electrical maintenance in the industries specialized in the sector of renewable energies, in particular in the photovoltaic ambit. Abroad the Group is directly present with Ime Romelectrica, technical-commercial branch in Bucharest, Romania, and Imeletrico Mozambique, Mozambique Law Society, headquartered in Maputo. The latter, established last December, will take care of developing the market of the region, in view of the investments in course just in the sectors of infrastructures and energy.
At the service of the sheet metal working, in all its variants
Established in the early Eighties and renowned in Italy and abroad for its professionalism and reliability, Co.Ma.F s.r.l. at Sovico (MB) is a trading company of new and second-hand sheet metal working machines. The main sector in which it operates concerns the machines for sheet metal working in all of its variants, granting the total coverage of the most various performance and technology requirements. The strong point of the Company consists in the representation of outstanding international companies, including F.lli Farina for press brakes, shears, plasma cutting plants and special High-Performance plants 100% made in Italy; Muratec-Wiedemann, historical Japanese manufacturer of electrical turret punch presses (like the one purchased by Imequadri Duestelle, at issue in the present article), which has consolidated its position in Italy for the compact design, the continuous evolution of models and the excellent quality and reliability in time. Besides, we must add the press brakes, shears and laser cutting plants by Ermaksan (International reality consolidated for over forty years, with a productive capacity exceeding 3,000 units year) and the bending rolls, profile bending and bordering machines by the Turkish Sahinler. Co.Ma.F., besides relying on a wide warehouse of the above mentioned machines and on the immediate availability of the best brands of Italian machine tools, always stores in its warehouses a relevant quantity of second-hand machinery in prompt delivery.