Seven way to excellence



They are really numerous the initiatives with which Mecspe intends to refresh its look to take part again in Parma Exhibition from 27th to 29th March 2014. The exhibition, which thanks to the quality of its contents and its strong focus on the excellences, either national or operating in Italy, is deemed a real reference event for general mechanics, has set an outstanding target for the next spring meeting. It is going to show the most advanced technologies today available on the marked for the manufacturing of goods, starting from the initial phases of devising and design and gradually reaching the effective implementation and accomplishment of products. Among the novelties more highlighted by the organizing company, the Milanese Senaf, it is worth stressing the sound focusing on productive processes and designs ranking in the absolute technological forefront and showcased in the course of special targeted initiatives. The goal is the presentation of the most cutting-edge modalities for the production of capital goods, involving both subtractive and additives technologies, such as virtual manufacturing or rapid manufacturing. Thanks to the by now customary presence of running machines and devices, the fairgrounds aim at offering all visitors the possibility of seeing processes alive and then of experimenting, concretely, what organizers have defined a real technological turning point.
Wide exhibition spaces and areas will become a real gallery of innovative materials and of their high added value applications. The example reported by Senaf itself in its latest press releases is represented by technopolymers, which successfully try to match the lightness of manufactured goods and their sustainability and which are already positively used as substitution of metals in the frame of the wider policies of the so-called metal replacement. They will be protagonists in the apposite Planning and Design Square, organized by Materioteca. In its turn Magnesium Square, set up in collaboration with the Mg2 cluster, is ready to reveal all the secrets of what has already been catalogued as the metal of the future. It is in fact an abundant material in nature, 35% lighter than aluminium, highly performing and, last but not least, at low cost and fully recyclable.
Room is made also for the micro-system implementation technology, which is increasingly popular and finds a growing number of users in the most different fields. Among them, precision engineering, for instance, but also telecommunications, biomedical, which is a feather in the cap of Italian research and productivity; finally, the unfailing automotive industry. In this ambit, informed Senaf, «the micro-moulding theme will be developed both through practical demos and during micro moments of training, with the collaboration of the Research Department of Bergamo University».

Wide-ranging among moulds and dies, plastic and subcontracting

But if we have mentioned above only the special areas of the spring exhibition event, a good seven halls will be arranged side by side with them in the fairgrounds, each dedicated to a particular ambit of the made in Italy production or implemented in the Peninsula territory, mainly concerning engineering and subcontracting activities. They are actually independent, but it is undeniable that they intend to convey the image of mutually complementary ambits, willing to provide an integrated image and a complete survey of some of the main industrial tricolour specializations.
Eurostampi and PlastixExpo will involve the mould and die world and related activities, exhibiting machinery and plants for the machining of raw materials, jigs and equipment, materials and raw materials, and they will draw inspiration from the principles of Rapid manufacturing and of Rapid Prototyping. Steel structural works and metal works, precision machining processes, the wire, rubber and plastic material technologies as well as welding will be protagonists of the Hall dedicated to “Subfornitura” (Subcontracting), whereas machine tools, equipment and tools coupled with design and laser machining will be at the centre of the hall just named “Macchine e utensili” (Machines and Tools). If inside “Logistica” (Logistics) the themes will be naturally the handling of goods and the management of productive processes, Motek Italy will be instead the ideal showcase for automation, robotics and power transmissions. The control of the production quality will be in its turn the main and undisputed leading player of Control Italy.
With a series of dedicated notes and press releases, Senaf tried to explain the factors of the uninterrupted success of Mecspe also in hard times for business like the current one. «The analysis of visitors’ profiles», informed the organizers of the annual event, «highlights that the key figures of company organizations took part in the trade fair, that’s to say owners, managers of technical, purchasing and production departments, mainly coming from the automotive, electromechanical and food industry. They are driven by the requirement of getting updates about the complete market offer, which goes then hand in hand with the will of knowing and finding unreleased products and new suppliers ».
«The success of Mecspe», went on then Senaf, while reminding the next meeting at the Halls of Parma Exhibition from 27th to 29th March 2014, «is the capability of proposing interesting contents, then useful and educational, for trade fair visitors, to the extent of spreading the word of mouth and of inducing colleagues, friends and acquaintances to visit the exhibition. Peculiar feature of the latter is, not by chance, the capability of modulating and adapting the trade fair format to businesses’ needs, creating a synergy of showrooms completed by areas characterized by a strongly dynamic arrangement».
The constant success of the Exhibition in Emilia territory is punctually described by the numbers that its creators have provided about the edition held in March of the current year. Visitors reached the peak of 28,307 presences, while exhibitors were on the whole as many as 1,023. Five were the demo units and 26 the so-called working isles focused on the on-field testing of what technologies can really produce. 11 was the number of thematic areas and ten the number of Excellence Squares. This year as many as 15 workshops took place in Parma while 90 were the initiatives dedicated to micro-conferences delivered both by companies and by universities and research institutes.