A succesful year for DMG Mori


DMG MORI completed the financial year 2016 with an intake of € 2,369.9 million VS the € 2,282.8 million result of the previous year. Despite challenging macroeconomic conditions, DMG Mori achieved the highest order intake in the company’s 146-year history. Although the worldwide market for machine tools was in decline at -2.5%, DMG MORI recorded a 4% increase. By the concentration on the core business with machine tools and services, DMG MORI set the course for the future in 2016.

This includes measures for a new sales and service structure worldwide, the further development of the product portfolio and optimizing production capacity as well as the sale of companies that do not form part of the core business operations. Order intake grew increasingly positive over the course of the year: After orders in the third quarter had already surpassed the level reached in the previous four quarters by 12%, order intake rose in the fourth quarter of 2016 to € 610.3 million – an increase of 13% (previous year’s quarter: € 540.8 million). Over the whole year order intake increased by 4% to € 2,369.9 million (previous year: € 2,282.8 million).

The group reports net income for the year as at 31 December 2016 of € 47.5 million (previous year: € 159.6 million).
On 31 December 2016, the group employed 7,282 employees, including 318 trainees (previous year: 7,462 employees). The number of employees decreased by 180. At year-end, 4,099 employees (56%) worked at our domestic companies and 3,183
employees (44%) at our foreign companies. During the reporting year the share of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT gained further in value and with a rise of 17% performing better than the MDAX (+10%). The share started the stock market year 2016 at € 37.05 (4 January 2016). As at 19 December 2016 the share has switched to the SDAX. At the start of 2017, the
share price was € 43.78 (2 January 2017). At present the share is being quoted at € 46.30. Market capitalisation rose in the year under report by 13% to € 3.4 billion (reporting date: 30 December 2016) – and thus reached its highest value.