Tailor-made performances for Aerospace


Boeing 787It has been implemented for a big Italian manufacturer of machine tools, intended for applications in the aerospace industry, the new electrospindle by Omlat at Ceresole d’Alba, designed to machine special materials in fast and efficient way.

Omlat electrospindle in a milling machining for the automotive sector
Omlat electrospindle in a milling machining for the automotive sector

For a machine tool manufacturer, it is not always sufficient to be able to mount highly technological and performing components on its plants. To grant the work quality required by the market, it is often necessary to turn to tailor-made solutions, designed for the specific application that end users must face.
This is the case of those realities operating in very particular industrial sectors, such as the aerospace one, and of technology suppliers like Omlat at Ceresole d’Alba (CN), which in 75 years of activity has made special electrospindles designed on demand its core business.

«Thanks to our long experience, we can supply electrospindles of whatever typology, which generally spring from a strict design partnership with customer companies and, therefore, are purposely conceived to satisfy their design requirements – explains Maurizio Righetti, Omlat Sales & Marketing Executive – . We have recently implemented a special electrospindle for an Italian customer that produces big gantry-type machining centres conceived to execute machining processes for companies operating in the Aerospace sector».

Swirler, HDV turbine blade and IKZ tool holder recess turning
Swirler, HDV turbine blade and IKZ tool holder recess turning

The request submitted to the technical office of Omlat was clear: we were asked to design an electrospindle for very particular tools, suitable for machining special materials, at the same time granting high power, big torque and notable machining speed.

The right spindle for any machining
«The aerospace industry needs to carry out milling and stock removal operations on special materials and alloys, like for instance the aerospace aluminium, which exact high performance products to machine tool manufacturers and, likewise, to the suppliers of dedicated technologies – explains Maurizio Righetti -.Our customer was looking for a spindle able to support a tool with specific technical characteristics. This has requested a purposely engineered project to our company, starting from the implementation of one of our high-tech products». At Omlat, nowadays they perfectly know. Day by bay, the market, especially in some industrial fields, is more and more demanding, with companies that must execute increasingly complex and special machining, with very short times and in the most efficient way. This trend can only lead to the demand for unique dedicated technological solutions. «Our company has been pioneer in the use of new technologies for the manufacturing of electrospindles devised for machining special materials like the one recently engineered – tells the Sales & Marketing Executive of the Cuneo company -. Today, in this sector, few are the manufacturers that, like Omlat, can supply highly customized products, at the same time maintaining high qualitative and technological standards».

High, but customizable, performances
The high-performance Omlat electrospindle, which has been designed for applications in the aerospace industry, is fruit of the technological implementation of one of the most advanced and innovative models of the company headquartered at Ceresole d’Alba, called HSK-A63 EVO. A product that encompasses all three technical features that are usually demanded by the manufacturers of machine tools and by their users: high 100 kW power, high working torque, in the order of 100 Nm, and high machining speed, up to a maximum of 30,000 rpm. All that in a small-size spindle, suitable for equipping big-size machining centres that must machine big components for the aerospace industry with extreme precision.

5. Omlat relies on a forefront technical office able to design and to implement suitable high-quality spindles for satisfying whatever request
Omlat relies on a forefront technical office able to design and to implement suitable high-quality spindles for satisfying whatever request

«Our HSK-A63 EVO electrospindle allows executing efficiently machining operations that often highly differ one another, such as roughing, heavy stock removal or precision finishing, and then it can use a broad range of tools. For all these reasons, it was the most suitable product for applications in machining dedicated to the Aerospace industry, supporting special tools – specifies the Omlat manager-. In collaboration with our customer, we have further perfected and improved our HSK-A63 EVO model, which currently is already one of the best electrospindles available on the market for stock removal. This has allowed giving birth to the prototype of a spindle able to grant the absolute best machining performance for the productive requirements characterizing this industrial sector».

Partnership rather than mere supply
The new electrospindle implemented by Omlat derives from the activity, by now tested and shared, between the Cuneo technical office and the engineering division of the buyer, a historical customer of Ceresole d’Alba company. Operating in that way, nothing is left to the chance. From design to manufacturing, from testing to the various improvement steps in start-up phase: when a new Omlat product is delivered to customers, it is undoubtedly, by 100%, the best and most suitable response for solving their operational and productive problems. «The birth of this electrospindle, like for others already implemented in the past, was a real engineering challenge for our enterprise, made of assiduous work on the field, to allow improving as far as possible what proposed to the customer, and of a constant research and development activity that has also generated new evolutionary possibilities for our products  – further explains Maurizio Righetti -. For this reason, we strongly believe that the best products can only develop from the strict technical partnership with the companies that we supply ».

2. Omlat, headquartered at Ceresole d’Alba, in Cuneo province, is one of the primary manufacturers of Made in Italy spindles and electrospindlesFrom Ceresole d’Alba, all over the world
Since 1940 Omlat at Ceresole d’Alba, in Cuneo province, has been one of the primary manufacturers of Made in Italy spindles and electrospindles, designed for special applications and manifold industrial sectors: from precision engineering to automotive, from energy to aerospace. Currently the company’s catalogue includes about 7000 designs. It can supply highly customized electrospindles of any type and size, devised for milling, turning and grinding machining on metals – like aluminium and steel – on wood, marble, glass, composite materials and special alloys – such as titanium and aerospace aluminium. To grant a more punctual and efficient service to customers, in addition to the Italian factory, Omlat operates also through its own workshop, for the North and South America, at Elk Grove Village, in Illinois, in the United States.