Technology hub, the professional event for innovative technologies


Robot giving his handIn fieramilanocity, from june, 7th to 9th, 2016 the future will be shown: from professional 3dprinting to the drones world, from internet of things to the robotics: the event will offer visitors many business and networking solutions

After the successful first edition of 3DPrint Hub (reaching 7,500 trade visitors and 100 exhibitors),the event organized by Senaf with the goal to become the meeting point between 3DPrinting and manufacturing’ s worlds, will be renewed and will take place within Technology Hub – the professional event for innovative technologies for the future, on stage in fieramilanocity from June, 7th to 9th, 2016.

Technology Hub is aimed at matching companies world with suppliers of technologies “for the future”, essential ingredient for the success and the companies grown.  A trend confirmed by Adriano Olivetti Research Institute, which showed that in 2015 SME investments in new technologies will further increase, marking a + 4% compared to the already significant increase in 2014.

“The positive results of 3DPrint Hub – states Emilio Bianchi, Director of Senaf – have confirmed once again the enormous potential that the professional 3Dprinting offers to the whole manufacturing world, more and more conscious and interested in the new technological trends.  Technology Hub is the answer to the growing information needs of the companies and it’s a project designed to be an educational and commercial exchange of the market, as well as a wide opportunity that collects in one event all the innovative sectors, generating a real technological “contamination”, that produces the most efficient business solutions.

6 sectors will be included in Technology Hub 2016 and they will host exhibition spaces, demonstration areas, workshops and conferences, case histories and technical sessions showing concrete cases of the use of the technologies in the production in addition to interaction and integration opportunities among different sectors.  The new edition of 3DPrint Hub will be enriched by Additive Manufacturing Hub, the area dedicated to the manufacturers of technologies, materials and solutions for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing, where all the news concerning machines, materials and services for rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing will be on stage, offering several application cases from aerospace, agriculture, environment, architecture, furniture, art, building, nautical, medical, dental, cosmetics to toys, motorsport, mechanics, automotive, fashion, footwear, jewelry.

Lots of attention will be payed also to the drones world with Drones Hub that will offer the professionals the opportunity to discover the different kind of existing drones and evaluate their different uses in business field: from environmental and architectural monitoring to remote sensing, from security reasons to air shoots for professional purposes. Within Robot Hub, the companies will have the opportunity to meet producers and suppliers of robots, hardware, software, components and accessories, with a particular focus on collaborative and humanoid robotic.

Among the novelties of the three-days event in Milan also Elettronics and IoT Hub, the area for the suppliers of Elettronics and solution for IoT, a growing market that is changing not only the way of working and producing but also the everyday life. Infact, according to a survey of Politecnico University in Milan, in Italy in 2014 the connected objects were 8 millions, with an increase of one/third (+33%) compared to 2013 and a market value of 1,55 billion euros. Finally the area Material Hub will be dedicated to the application of new materials, in particular nano- materials, eco materials and graphene, to help choosing the best solutions and technologies related to product innovation.

Technology Hub – The professional event for innovative technologies for your future- is the event organized by Senaf, that will take place in fieramilanocity from June,7th to 9th, 2016 dedicated to new technological trends and the ways of business connected to them.

Technology Hub is composed by 3DPrint Hub, Additive Manufacturing Hub, Drones Hub, Elettronics and IoT Hub, Material Hub, Robot Hub. Exhibition spaces, demonstration areas, workshops and conferences, case histories and technical presentation will contribute to create a real High Tech Hub.