The 5th Metals Trading 2015 Summit will be focused on risks in metal trading


Metals Trading summitThe 5th Metals Trading 2015 Summit, that will be held in Geneva on 10-11 June, will be focused on trading risk management challenges that metals trading companies have been facing, and will offer practical insights on risk management and risk mitigation techniques.

Metal trading companies have many factors to consider that affect the metals markets and their ability to generate profits. Risk managers should contemplate market, counterparty, regulatory, financial and supply chain risks affecting their trading activity and adapt their strategies accordingly in order to best mitigate these risks and preserve revenue.

The Summit will gather trading professionals and risk managers across Europe and globally, and will feature detailed presentations and interactive discussions looking at price risk, hedging strategy, latest developments around regulations affecting trading (including EMIR, MiFID II, the Dodd-Frank Act and FMIA), credit risk and trade finance, supply chain risks and currency risks, or CTRM systems selection and implementation, amongst many others.

Over the past editions, the Summit has congregated attendees from companies such as Alcoa, ArcelorMittal, Triland, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Cargill, HSBC, J.P. Morgan, London Metal Exchange, Macquarie Bank Limited, Merrill Lynch Commodities, Mitsubishi International Corporation, Morgan Stanley, PricewaterhouseCoopers, RBS, Rio Tinto, Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Trafigura and many more.