US steel production and shipments went down in 2013


us-steel-productionUS steel production, shipments, imports and exports all decreased in 2013 vs 2012, as US steel markets remained below pre-recession levels, according 2013 Annual Statistical Report (ASR) released by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). US steel shipments were at 95 million net tonne, a one percent decrease from the previous year and an 11% increase from the most recent 5 year average of 86 million net tonne. US Raw Steel Production was 96 million net tonne in 2013, a 2% decrease over 2012. Construction and automotive continue to be the largest markets for steel.

The most comprehensive reference of its kind for the American steel industry, the AISI report provides statistical data for the US steel industry and a variety of selected statistical data on the Canadian, Mexican and world steel industries.

Mr Thomas J Gibson, president and CEO of AISI, said that “The Annual Statistical Report is an essential tool for industry, media, analysts and anyone else interested in robust and wide-ranging data on the steel industry. With over 16 pages of charts and graphs in the executive summary alone, it serves as an essential reference for anyone following steel data and trends.”