The Reindustrialisation of Europe Conference on 23rd June


466033bb2dFocus on European industry of the future. The conference “The Reindustrialisation of Europe: Industry 4.0 – Innovation, jobs and growth”, hosted by Forum Europe and RAND Europe and supported by CECIMO will be held on 23rd June at the Thon Hotel EU, Brussels.

The conference will analyse Europe’s industrial policies and how Europe can re-energise its industrial and manufacturing sectors to ensure their global competitiveness, create jobs and contribute to economic growth.

A key goal of the Europe2020 strategy has been to increase the contribution made by manufacturing to European GDP from 16% to 20% by 2020. The reindustrialisation of the European economy, if it is to be a globally competitive reality, faces many challenges. These include mega trends such as access to raw materials, climate change and energy prices, to more comparatively localised issues such as EU competition, industrial and tax policies, skills, education and employment matters. The full agenda and list of speakers is available on the event website at