EuroBlech/Bordignon: new 2csx32 gas spring – compact power, now stronger than ever


bordignon-2The new 2CXSX32 joins the most advanced CSX series of Bordignon’s nitrogen gas springs. With the same 32mm diameter as the current CXS32 model and the same safety standards, it offers in addition more working strokes and a greater initial force of 660 daN, which is:

  • -over four times greater than that of ISO11901 standard gas springs of the same diameter (32mm)
  • -30% greater than that Bordignon’s “CSX”, “SMLX, “C”, and “CSM” series of the same diameter

It therefore allows savings on space and expenses by building more compact press dies! The new gas spring are self-lubricating for millions of cycles with energized solid lubricant (patent pending) and protected from contaminants by rod scraper. RUN-tech and X-tech nanotechnologies are both included in Bordignon’s CSX and SMLX models, and now on the new 2CXSX32. RUN-tech doubles SPM without lubrication: the advantage it gives the user is the halving of the time required for each lot and of press use. X-tech allows for a significant increase in the lifespan of the nitrogen gas spring when it is used with strokes not perpendicular to its base. The advantage to the user and the die-maker is the elimination of production stops due to anomalies in construction or use of the die.

EuroBlech, Hall 13, Stand C58